Chloe Brotheridge
is a therapist and coach, as well as the author of two bestselling books –
The Anxiety Solution
Brave New Girl.
Online, she's a hugely successful blogger and podcaster, with her '
Calmer You'
podcast series well on its way to a million downloads. She even has her own app! So what brought Chloe to Hoffman?
'In my past, I’d struggled a lot with anxiety. Perfectionism and people-pleasing had meant that I was frequently tense and worried. I felt a lot of shame and unworthiness, which meant it was hard for me to relax and be myself. I would constantly worry about what people thought of me and while I appeared calm on the outside, inside, I’d get hugely frustrated, unleashing vast amounts of anger at my partner. Despite having a daily meditation practice, exercising frequently and eating a healthy diet, I knew that there were still things in my past that hadn’t been resolved that were causing me to feel fearful, resentful and full of self-doubt...'
You can read Chloe's Process story on our website,
To find out more about Chloe's work and download a free 'anxiety toolkit', visit her website:
Thrown together, forced apart, isolated, overcrowded, lonely, trapped... Whatever your unique experience of lockdown, it's inevitably had an impact on your interpersonal relationships. You may also have been drawn to increased introspection, or to questioning your own wants and needs in engaging with others.
Our new one-day workshop,
Conscious Connecting
will harness any insights gained over the past few months, and use that learning to examine how we approach the connections in our lives. Led via Zoom by Supervising Hoffman facilitator Matthew Pruen and self-esteem mentor Emma Pruen, the overall intention is to increase awareness and compassion and enhance loving relationships.
You're welcome to attend this workshop whether you are in a relationship or not. You don't need to have done the Hoffman Process to attend.
9.15am-5.30pm (with breaks)
£96 per person.
'Both Emma and Matthew were exceptional. They came across as genuine, open, intensely human, and very skillful at what they do. It was a rare privilege to be able to do a workshop with them.' ~ workshop attendee
We are currently running an Early Bird discount offer on all Essentials workshops in August and September.
The Hoffman Essentials
is a new, two-day online workshop that provides you with tools for life. Featuring taught sessions, solo exercises, visualisations and activities away from the screen, the weekend will introduce you to Hoffman techniques and practices that you can take away and use immediately.
Workshops are led by two members of the Hoffman team, and numbers are limited to provide a small and safe environment.
As well as a pre-course call and post-course follow up, all participants on The Hoffman Essentials will receive a £100 discount voucher towards a Hoffman Process booking.
Upcoming dates:
'This is a chance to explore and learn some fantastic life tools that really work. Already, 48 hours later, I have used several of them in my daily life and worked through some tasks I have been avoiding for weeks and months.' Participant, July 2020 Essentials
When a Process is on a wait list, a place may still become available. Ring the office on +44(0)1903 88 99 90 for more info.
We've just completed our first socially-distanced
at Florence House (pictured) and it's so good to be able to deliver our courses again! A huge thank you to everyone who waited so patiently for us to be allowed to restart.
We're currently running the
Hoffman Process
with a reduced number of participants to allow everyone single accommodation, logistical changes to allow for social distancing, a ramped-up cleaning schedule and less physical activity. Last week showed clearly that this can all happen without compromising the work of the
Our next two dates are on a Wait List
, but we do have availability from September onwards. You can register online by clicking the orange link and paying a £500 deposit. Our enrolment team will contact you, and if it turns out that the Process isn't right for you at this time - or is postponed due to circumstances beyond our control - we'll refund your deposit in full.
A full list of 2020 Hoffman Process dates can be found
All are welcome to join our fortnightly
Introduction to Hoffman
Zoom sessions, led by Hoffman Managing Director Serena Gordon (pictured).
These evenings offer the chance to find out more about the
Hoffman Process
, the history of Hoffman, and an overview of the tools and techniques. The Zoom session is informal in tone, and if you've got any questions about what happens on the Process or
The Hoffman Essentials,
you can either ask them in person or via the chat box function.
7:30pm-8:30pm (UK time).
Log in from 7.15pm
: Zoom
You're also welcome to call the Hoffman office during office hours on +44(0)1903 88 99 90 and a member of the team will be happy to speak with you.
The Hoffman enrolment team is available on the
via email
and happy to answer any questions you might have about the Process.
A one-to-one assessment call gives you time to discuss what happens on the course in detail, and also to decide whether it's right for you at this time. If you do then go on to register, you're already a step ahead!
The calls are completely confidential, and you don't need to have registered for a course to book a slot.
Hoffman Magazine
Click here
to order a copy of our free magazine to be delivered to your door
The Hoffman Website
Information, events, articles and more
to visit us online
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