'Over the last few years, I have tailored several expeditions through some of the most breathtaking regions of Europe and Africa. We travel by classic Royal Enfield motorcycle, offering a Zen-like viewpoint for our clients.
During this time, I have become increasingly interested in the correlation between the actual physical journey and the emotional journey. How when we ride into new lands and unfamiliar territories, we also open up the possibility of internal exploration and understanding...

I experienced something very similar when I undertook the Hoffman Process last October. The Process takes the voyager on a journey, reaching beyond the old ideas and patterns, the routine if you will, that has kept us both safe and sheltered, but also trapped and imprisoned...'

To read Sam's intrepid Process Story in full, click here
Do you have a Process Story you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you!
Either call the office on +44 (0)1903 88 99 90 or  email: info@hoffmaninstitute.co.uk
Tim Laurence, founder of Hoffman UK, was the last person to be fully trained by Bob Hoffman. He's taught the Process for almost 30 years in most of the 14 countries where Hoffman has centres - and in several more besides.

Tim's book You Can Change Your Life is internationally regarded as the key work on the Hoffman Process; so much so that it's been translated into seven languages since the release of its first print edition in 2003.

We're very excited to announce that from 12 December, You Can Change Your Life will also be available as a full-length audiobook, narrated by Tim. It’s already available to pre-order from Audible , Amazon , Google and Kobo , and will be in the Apple book store from its release date - just in time for the festive season..?

Whether you read it on paper, download a digital version, gift it or listen to it, You Can Change Your Life is packed with moving personal stories, practical tools and insightful exercises – it really can help change lives.
The third Monday in January has earned the nickname ‘Blue Monday’, and is claimed to be the gloomiest day in the UK calendar. This year, we’ll be doing our very best to ward off any negative vibes and challenge the mid-winter slump by inviting all Hoffman grads to join us for our Happy Monday video conference.

Led by Hoffman MD Serena Gordon, we’ll share a virtual Quad Check, embark on a mini light journey and share a couple of other Hoffie treats. We'll be using the free service Zoom , so you can take part from wherever you are, whether on your own, with a Hoffman buddy or perhaps with members of your local graduate connect group.

Date: Monday 20 January 2020
Time: 7.00pm (UK time)
Cost: Free (although donations to the Hoffman Scholarship Fund are always welcome)

To take part, simply email graduates@hoffmaninstitute.co.uk to register your interest. We’ll issue you with a conference ID, full instructions and link to join using the email address you’ve supplied – so please make sure it’s one you’ll have access to on the evening.
Hoffman  Reconnection Days refresh your Hoffman learning, especially if you're feeling disconnected from your Process. They allow you to revisit some tools and techniques, ask questions about any you're not clear on and work through any current issues in your life in the company of other Hoffman grads.

Our one-day workshop in January will be led by Supervising Hoffman facilitator Jeremy Kynaston (pictured). If you’re facing a challenge at work, in a relationship, or with health, stress or self-esteem, don't feel you need to keep going it alone - come and reconnect!

Venue: Artworkers' Guild , 6 Queen Sq, London, WC1N 3AT
Cost: £120 or £200 for two people booking together

For more information and to book, click here
Making Relationships Work is a weekend designed to get couples connected again – through clear communication, witnessing each other and rebuilding respect, trust and intimacy.

The workshop is open to couples already in a committed relationship. You do not have to have done the Hoffman Process to take part. Workshops for individuals who are not currently in an intimate relationship can be found here .

Venue: Central London, tbc
Cost: £550 early bird rate runs until midnight tonight!
Save £50 per couple on the standard rate of £600.
Led by: Matthew Pruen and Emma Macpherson

For more information and to book, click here

Matthew and Emma's relationship workshops in 2020 will take place in London, Dubai, Bahrain and as a residential retreat in France. For more info, click here.
The Graduate Connect page on our website is a list of regional Hoffman volunteers who have offered to be a contact/meeting co-ordinator for local events. 

Events on the radar include monthly meetings in Jersey and Dubai , Kate's evening gathering in Oxford in January and an outing for the the lively Manchester group that will include a tools refresher session led by Supervising Hoffman facilitator Emma Ferguson.

Click here to visit the graduate connection page and find more details and - you'll need the password: 'support.'  

As always, a huge thanks to all of our Grad Connect volunteers. If you're interested in being a contact in your area, we'd be delighted to hear from you.  Click here  to email Lucy in the office.
Led by members of the Hoffman team, our evening support groups offer the chance to connect, share and deepen your Hoffman learning.

Sussex s upport group
Led by: Hoffman support leader, Nikki Wyatt
For more information and to book,  click here

Bristol s upport group
Led by: Supervising Hoffman facilitator, Eliza Meredith
For more information and to book, click here

The next London support group will take place in January. Keep an eye on your inbox or the Hoffman UK graduate Facebook group for details as they're confirmed.
Closure evenings   are held on Process Thursdays from 5pm.
Re-experience the ceremony of integration, celebrate with new grads, share your Post-Process experience and recommit to your Hoffman vow. Dinner is on us. 

Florence House (East Sussex)
12 December with Emma, Eliza and Jeremy
9 January with Matthew, Stella and Emma
23 January with Mairi, Eliza and Jeremy
6 February with Janet, Eliza and Emma
20 February with Jeremy, Emma and Mairi
12 March with Matthew, Janet and Mairi
26 March with Emma, Jeremy and Eliza
9 April with Tim, Stella and Holger

Click here   for a full list of future dates. There's no charge for Closure, but please do  email and let us know if you're planning to come - or call the office on 01903 88 99 90.
* When a Process is on a Wait List, a place may still become available.
Information Evenings:

Information Phone-In:

Introduction Day:

Process Dates:
December 7-13: Wait List *
January 4-10: Wait List *
January 18-24: Wait List *
February 1-7: Available
February 15-21: Available
March 7-13: Available
March 21-27: Available

The rest of 2020's Process dates can be found here .
December's top tip: check your priorities
Think about the priorities in your life. Are you putting your attention in the right places?

Do you come home from work too exhausted to hear about your partner's day? Do you have lots of time for your friends, but can't be bothered to call your sibling, who you know is struggling? Are you constantly driving everywhere when you know that your body would prefer the walk? Do you spend too much time on the computer, leaving your kids feeling overlooked and unimportant?

Spend some time this month checking that you have your priorities in the right place for the life you live; then choose your tools from the Hoffman toolkit to work on any areas that need attention.

Hoffman Magazine
 Request a copy for yourself or to pass on to friends and family here
The Post-Process Website
Events, Downloads and a Hoffman Toolkit
Click here to visit
  The Hoffman Post-Process Journal
365 days of the year with Hoffman tools. 
Find out more and order here
Make a Donation
Help someone to do the Process by donating to our Scholarship Fund.
The Hoffman App
Tips, tools and connection in your pocket...
Click here to find out more
Social Media
or follow Hoffman UK on Twitter and Instagram