Hoffman Newsletter: July 2015
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School holidays are almost upon us. Does this thought fill you with joy or anxiety?
Those of us who are responsible for children - whether our own, our partner's or anybody else's - have the desire to be the best role models we can be. This intention is often underpinned by the desire for children to have a better experience than the one we had. We want to make up for what we perceived as a 'lack' of something in our childhood, while also highlighting the positives that we can hand on.
How often do you ask yourself whether you're doing it right, or give yourself a hard time for falling short of the benchmark you set for yourself? How often do you worry about how good a parent you'll be, or wonder how to create boundaries without being authoritarian? Whether they're yours or someone else's, most people are amazed at what kind of reactions emerge when children put them under stress.
In this month's issue, co-founders of Best of Parenting, Nadim and Carole Saad, share how doing the Process and having children was key to understanding the difference in their parenting styles. You can read more and enjoy their top tips on looking after children below.
If you're just finding out about Hoffman, you can attend our Information Evening in London on Tuesday July 28. You could also book onto our Introduction Day on Saturday July 11.
Hoffman Process Graduates can also learn 'How not to hand on your baggage to your kids' on our Support Call on Wednesday July 22, or join the Hoffman London Support Group on Friday July 17. Finally, remember to check out our Hoffman Top Tip at the end of this newsletter.
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Relationship coach and Montessori teacher Carole Saad used to run her own nursery, so she assumed she'd be a 'natural' mother. However, when she had children of her own, Carole realised there was another element that she hadn't considered -
the differences in parenting styles between her and her husband, Nadim.
'I'd underestimated the overwhelming effect that emotions, personal history and stress could have on my behaviour and attitudes as I became a parent. It had been much easier for me to advise and help others than it was to apply my knowledge and theory in my own life."
Nadim had a very different parenting style. As he says: "My parenting resulted from a strict upbringing, which I found myself replicating with my own children - particularly during stressful moments. I believed that Carole was too lenient with the kids and not consistent in setting boundaries. This led me to become even stricter and I felt I was taking on the role of 'bad cop', which was damaging my connection with my children. I started to blame Carole for creating this situation..." Carole and Nadim have just launched their new book, Kids Don't Come With a Manual - The Essential Guide to a Happy Family Life.
Information Evenings:
Tuesday July 28 & August 11 (London)
This event provides the opportunity to meet Hoffman teachers and Process participants, ask questions, hear people's experiences and decide if the Process is right for you. 7.30pm-9.30pm. Regent's University, London NW1 4NS The event is free and there's no need to book. More Info
Introduction Day: Saturday July 11 (London)
Led by a Hoffman Process Supervising Teacher, this 'stand alone' workshop is for people curious to learn about the Hoffman Process and what to expect from this week-long residential course.The day is experiential and you will hear about the origins of the Hoffman Process and learn several Hoffman techniques. The day costs £85 which is deducted from the Process fee on registration. Booking is essential as places are limited. There is no charge for Hoffman graduates attending with family or friends.
Information Phone-Ins:
Tuesday July 7 & August 4
Join our free monthly Conference calls to find out whether the Process is right for you. Tuesdays 7.30pm-8.30pm. These calls are led by a member of the Hoffman team and often include previous course participants who can help answer your questions. You can call from anywhere in the world with a local call charge.
For any questions about the Hoffman Process, call 01903 889990 or email us
From September 1, 2015, the Hoffman Process price will increase from £2,700 to £2,950.
Any bookings for 2015 will be offered at the current rate of £2,700 if confirmed before August 31, 2015. Book now!
July 4-10 Florence House, E. Sussex (FULL)
July 18-24 Florence House, E.Sussex (2 places remaining) August 1-7 Dunford House, W. Sussex
August 22-28 Florence House, E. Sussex
September 12-18 Florence House, E. Sussex
To book online, or for further dates, click here. To read articles about the Hoffman Process, click here. To order a Hoffman magazine, click here. For any questions about the Hoffman Process, call 01903 88 99 90 or email us.
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Here at Hoffman we've come up with the perfect solution to keeping the Process alive in your life - the Hoffman App.
Our App gives you the chance to stay connected to your Hoffman experience. You can work through the tools, express how you feel and receive ongoing Hoffman support and encouragement. Almost like having a Hoffman teacher in your pocket!
It's quite normal that when you leave the Process you are full of commitment to practice the tools on a daily basis. But as time goes on, we sometimes hear that people have forgotten how to use the tools, or 'don't have time'. We are now able to provide you with an App that gives you 'Tools at your Fingertips'.
Click here to find out more
Thank God it's Friday - end the working week with a powerful blast of Hoffman energy!
If you are a Hoffman Process graduate, come along to our July London Support Group event. Let yourself go with some good music, a dynamic group spirit and some favourite Hoffman exercises on Friday July 19. Wiffle bats at the ready...
Tim Laurence, Founder of Hoffman UK, will lead an evening designed to put you in the best place for the weekend. Come prepared to shake off the week and express yourself.
Optional social gathering afterwards around the corner (uh, if you're from the area and know where that corner could be, or can recommend a pub/ cafe/ restaurant, that would be good... Email us here)
Date: Friday July 17
Time: 8pm-10 pm
Cost: £10
Support Call: Wednesday July 22
How not to hand on your baggage to your kids
How easy do you find it to be consistent and still remain a loving parent? Join us on this parenting-themed Support Call.
Date: Wednesday July 22 Time: 7.30pm
Next Call: Wednesday September 23
Reconnection Day: Saturday September 12
Led by Hoffman founder Tim Laurence
Rekindle your vision, clarify your direction and remind yourself how the Hoffman tools can be used on a daily basis. Invite members of your Hoffman Process group and reconnect the Hoffman way. Time: 10.00am - 5.30pm Venue: Art Workers' Guild, London, WC1N 3AT More info & to book
Q2 Refresher: Oct 23-25
3 days to remind yourself of your Process
The Q2 allows you to build upon your Process work, providing an opportunity to explore some of the areas, relationships or challenges that need a bit of tidying up. You can come alone, or with members from your Process. Use the weekend to reconnect and set new visions and intentions for the future. Venue: Florence House, East Sussex More info & to book
The Hoffman Post Process Journal A handy journal that provides you with a reminder of the Hoffman tools and techniques 365 days of the year. Start any time and keep Hoffman with you by your side. Find out more and order here
Hoffman Visualisations
Hoffman visualisations are now available to download from our website for no charge. We hope that you enjoy these visualisations which you can listen to whenever you'd like to relax, ground, check-in, re-energise or just drift into a deep relaxing sleep. They are different lengths so you can choose whichever suits your current time commitment. Don't listen while driving!
For any questions on the Hoffman Process, please call 01903 889990 or email us
A sense of hope is so important to happiness.
What are your hopes? Not just your expectations or predictions, but hopes for yourself, your family, your friends, your work, your country, your world..?
What are you prepared to do to make those hopes come true? How can you hand on a positive legacy to those around you?
Without stopping to think, grab a pen, and jot down the first five hopes that come to mind. Then take a small step towards achieving each one. You're already on your way to making a difference...
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