Declaration and consent

Declaration and Consent Agreement

In addition to confirming that our terms and conditions and Process Ground Rules have been read and understood, once you have sent an enrolment form for the Process, we will ask you to complete and sign our Declaration and Consent Agreement. This form requires you to confirm that all information in your enrolment form and provided to us in your enrolment call is up-to-date and fully accurate and that you do not have any doubts about your mental, emotional or physical ability to handle the work involved in the Hoffman Process, including the pre-course work. Attendance is strictly conditional on you completing and signing the Declaration and Consent Agreement, which is reproduced below for your reference.

Once we have received your Declaration and Consent Agreement, we will send you your pre-course work document to complete. If we don’t receive your pre-course work in sufficient time before the course start date, if your pre-course work is incomplete, or if we feel that you would benefit from seeing a therapist before attending, we shall have the right to suspend your place or decide that you cannot attend the course. Please note that your place on the Hoffman Process is not confirmed until we have reviewed your pre-course work.

You agree that it is fully your responsibility to provide us with accurate and up-to-date information right up until course registration. If there have been any changes to your personal, medical or therapeutic situation which, if known at the time would have led to us not accepting your application, we shall have the right to decide that you cannot attend the course. Any false declaration or claims will relieve the Hoffman Institute of all responsibility. The contents are below for reference, if you’d like a reminder of the declaration and consents at any time before or after the course.

If you have been asked to complete a copy of the Declaration and Consent agreement by our enrolment team but have lost the link, click here.


Please carefully read the following statement and confirm that you fully understand and agree to each point by ticking the appropriate statement.

  • I confirm that all of the answers and other information included in the enrolment form that I submitted to attend the Process (and that I supplied verbally on the telephone to the Hoffman enrolment team) were true and complete when given and remain true and complete at the date of this Declaration.
  • I did not omit any relevant information, or include any misleading information, when completing the enrolment form (or giving information in any other way) and I understand that it is my responsibility to notify Hoffman of any change in my circumstances between now and the beginning of the course that may impact on my or any other person’s Process experience.
  • I have read and understood the Hoffman Institute UK Terms and Conditions including the Process Ground Rules, and I agree to them.
  • I have read and understood the Hoffman Institute UK Privacy Policy and Safeguarding Policy and I agree to them.


  • I accept that the Hoffman Process is a week-long intensive experiential educational programme based on humanistic and spiritual principles that may, or may not, assist in my personal growth. I understand that Hoffman Process facilitators are not required to be licensed psychiatrists, psychologists or psychotherapists.
  • I understand that the Hoffman Process is not any form of psychotherapy or medical therapy or treatment. I understand that the Hoffman Process is not a substitute for either psychotherapy or medical therapy or treatment.
  • I do not have any doubts about my mental health, emotional stability or physical ability to participate in the Hoffman Process or its associated pre-course work. I confirm that I can participate in the Hoffman Process or its associated pre-course work without risk to myself or others. I have had the opportunity to consult a physician, psychotherapist or psychologist knowledgeable about the Hoffman Process who has no objection to my participation in the Hoffman Process.
  • I accept that the Hoffman Institute offers no guarantee of success with physical, emotional or mental complaints from participation in the course, nor with improvement in general wellbeing. I understand that this is a group course, not one-to-one therapy.
  • I understand that the Hoffman Process is a group process and as a result I may hear other people’s experiences and this may be upsetting for me. I understand that it is my responsibility to remove myself from any situations in which I feel this way and that I must inform a member of staff immediately if I feel this way or notice someone else feeling this way.
  • I accept full responsibility for my own participation in the Process and for my own results.
  • I understand that the Hoffman Process may involve physical contact, such as hugging, and if I do not consent to this, I will tell a facilitator that I object before or at the time contact occurs.
  • I understand that the Hoffman facilitators intend to be respectful and compassionate in order to help participants move through old behaviours and self-beliefs. However, I am aware that during the Process, there may be times when I may experience their behaviour as challenging or confrontational. If I feel undue pressure, beyond the parameters of the course, I will speak to the course supervisor.
  • I am voluntarily choosing to participate in the course, and I feel sufficiently informed to make this choice. If I feel mental or physical discomfort, severe emotional distress or adverse effects while completing my pre-course work or during the Hoffman Process itself, I will inform a member of the Hoffman UK team as soon as possible.
  • I understand that I am free to leave the Hoffman Process at any time for any reason. If I feel I need assistance from anyone, professional or otherwise, I take full responsibility for leaving the Hoffman Process and obtaining it for myself.
  • I agree that the Hoffman Process, including arrival at the Process venue, pre-registration and the post-Process weekend, is a private and personal experience for each participant. I agree to respect the confidentiality of all participants and their remarks and actions, and I agree to keep all such information private and confidential. I also agree to respect the confidentiality, identity and experience of any Hoffman participant worldwide. I accept that photography, video and sound recording are not permitted at the venue before, during or after the Process week.
  • I agree that my contact details (as specified by me) can be circulated after the course ends, to my specific Hoffman Process group (agreeing to this specific statement is not a requirement of you participating in the Process Week).
  • I agree that any serious or persistent breach of the Terms and Conditions including the Process Ground Rules, or behaviour that is detrimental to the participation of others, may result in my immediate exclusion from the course without refund or compensation.
  • I agree that if I have made or make any false or inaccurate statements or claims, the Hoffman Institute will be relieved of all responsibility for any related issue.
  • If I am pregnant or have a pre-existing medical condition, I confirm that I have already supplied the Hoffman Institute with a letter of consent from my GP. I have taken full medical advice and I understand the risks inherent in my participation on the course.

I agree and confirm the above Declaration and Consents, and confirm that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions, including Process Ground Rules.

Updated 5 May 2023

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