Q&A with Anita Silva, creative consultant – and clown

Q&A with Anita Silva, creative consultant – and clown

Anita Silva is a Portuguese creative trainer, consultant and… clown. She has extensive experience in non-formal education approaches in international youth worker, Higher Education, community work and in the private sector. She studied Creativity and Innovation and loves to take people and organisations on a journey outside of their own boxes. She is the founder [...]
Lessons in living authentically, by teacher James Bodinger

Lessons in living authentically, by teacher James Bodinger

James Bodinger works in education, teaching science to 11-18 year olds. He lives in Wales and has two sons. As well as being a teacher, he is a keen amateur graffiti artist who shares his passion with students by hosting a grafitti club at his school, and he also runs a part-time T-shirt business. I’d [...]
Caroline Phillips does the Process at Broughton Sanctuary

Caroline Phillips does the Process at Broughton Sanctuary

Although I’m more fortunate than most, my marriage has collapsed after 28 years. The doctor’s given my 94-year-old dad a terrible prognosis following pneumonia. I’m facing an empty nest, my two gorgeous daughters having just flown; struggling to finish writing a memoir; feuding with my two brothers over a family matter. Oh, and hobbling after [...]
Redefining Masculinity by retired teacher and translator Pierre Voegeli

Redefining Masculinity by retired teacher and translator Pierre Voegeli

After I attended the Hoffman Process, a friend of mine asked me why I'd chosen to go. I spontaneously replied: 'I have a blessed life in so many ways, so why am I not happier? Why do I often get the feeling that I drive through life in third gear, knowing perfectly well that there's [...]