An excerpt from Lesley’s full article, which originally appeared in Easy Living Magazine
“The effect of the Hoffman process on me was to leave me energised and fizzing with ideas, lovely creative ideas which would take me off in new directions and turn my life from monochrome to Technicolor. But somehow, life kept on happening. Nevertheless, the very existence of this box and the knowledge that there existed a me who could fizz with new ideas despite being driven by the old ones has been one of the things that have kept me going through upheavals and removals.
Without the impetus and clarity provided by the Hoffman process I wouldn’t have found the focus and energy to move at all. I would still be living in the shell of a former life where I lived in the suburbs, did weekly supermarket shops and school runs and gazed out at a row of late Victorian terraced houses exactly like the one I lived in. Now I step out on to a city pavement where I can see boats on the river, walk to shops and museums, and feel a galvanising current of life flow past my doorstep. I am beginning to feel more like the person I once wanted to be.”