Introduction to Hoffman: Tuesday 18 February

If you would like more information about the Hoffman Process or other Hoffman events, our informal Zoom sessions are a wonderful opportunity to find out more. Attend with your camera on or off – either way, you’ll be guaranteed a warm welcome. Sessions are led by members of the Hoffman enrolment team, so you can (more…)

Introduction to Hoffman: Tuesday 4 February

If you would like more information about the Hoffman Process or other Hoffman events, our informal Zoom sessions are a wonderful opportunity to find out more. Attend with your camera on or off – either way, you’ll be guaranteed a warm welcome. Sessions are led by members of the Hoffman enrolment team, so you can (more…)

Introduction to Hoffman: Tuesday 7 January

If you would like more information about the Hoffman Process or other Hoffman events, our informal Zoom sessions are a wonderful opportunity to find out more. Attend with your camera on or off – either way, you’ll be guaranteed a warm welcome. Sessions are led by members of the Hoffman enrolment team, so you can (more…)

Broughton Sanctuary Process Balance

Details Price Qty
Single room / premium single room £3,600.00 GBP  
Shared twin room £3,300.00 GBP  

You have received this link because your balance payment for the Hoffman Process at Broughton Sanctuary is now due. Please select the amount you would like to make payment for at the top of the page, then click the ‘Pay now’ button to begin. You’ll be led through a payment form that allows you to pay by (more…)

Process in Practice: Wednesday 26 March: Being with non-graduate loved ones with Tim

Details Price Qty
Process in Practice: 26 March: Being with non-graduate loved ones, with Tim £15.00 GBP  

Our Process in Practice session for March will be led by Tim. Being with and communicating with your loved ones after the Process can, at times, be challenging. It can be a struggle to create the same depth and intimacy at home that you experienced while sharing with your group during the Process. This session (more…)