Details Price Qty
£10 £10.00 GBP  
£25 £25.00 GBP  
£100 £100.00 GBP  

If you would like to donate to the Hoffman Scholarship fund as a wedding gift to Sonia and Aaron, here are the payment options:

Credit / debit card

To pay by card directly via this page, you can select single or multiples of £10, £25 and £100 above to add up to your chosen donation amount.


If you have a PayPal account, you can also donate any amount here:

Bank transfer

If you would prefer to make a bank transfer, here are our details:

Name:  Hoffman Institute UK Ltd
Sort Code:  60 01 18
Account No:  46027858
Reference:  Your name (Please put your full name for our reference)
Address: Natwest, 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA
IBAN:  GB66NWBK60011846027858

Tell Sonia & Aaron about your donation

If you have made a donation by PayPal or bank transfer, please send us a quick email so we can identify your payment and let Sonia and Aaron know. If you would like us to include a personal message from you, be sure to include it in the email:

If you are new to the Hoffman Institute and would like to know more, you can read all about the Process here.
To join one of our free weekly Introduction to Hoffman Zoom sessions, click here


  • Sonia and Aaron's wedding
     January 1, 2050 - January 2, 2050
     8:00 am - 1:00 pm