Your self-video: help and resources
Imagine that you are EITHER delivering a session called ‘What is a Pattern?’ OR explaining the concept of Negative Love to a group of Process participants.
During your presentation you should introduce yourself and say why you came to do the Hoffman Process, what it has given you and any other personal information that you feel is relevant.
Your Hoffman Facilitator Training video presentation should last no more than ten minutes.
Tips for creating your Hoffman video presentation
- Hoffman facilitators come in all different packages. The most important thing is that you have an authentic connection with your self that you are willing to share with others.
- Share your personal journey of growth, both through the Process and any other relevant healing work or life experiences. But don’t get mired in your own story. Everything you share should be of benefit to the growth of a wider group in some way.
- Hoffman facilitators are engaging and watchable, but it’s not essential to deliver a highly polished performance straight away. Don’t let any patterns of perfectionism hold you back.
- Good production quality (decent sound, nice shot) will of course help you to be seen in a positive light, yet a simple video taken from a smartphone will suffice.
- Researching your topic is part of the preparation process. It may help to search online as well as using the recommended resources (below).
- Having some basic notes to hand during your presentation is fine if you use them well. Do ensure that your nose isn’t buried in a script!
- Hoffman UK facilitators aim to have a conversational, warm and friendly presentation style with a quiet authority and an engaging presence.
- Above all, be yourself and enjoy it!
Sending your Hoffman video presentation
Please send us your videos using WeTransfer or similar, using as the recipient email address. We can also accept Dropbox folder invitations.
Alternatively, if you wish to host your video online via YouTube, Vimeo etc and send us a link to watch it there, we’ll happily accept your submissions that way – just don’t forget to let us know any privacy passwords you have used.
If you have any problems with sharing your video file, give us a ring on 01903 88 99 90 or email and we’ll be happy to help.
Helpful resources:
- Your student workbook
- The short video Hoffman: Explaining the Negative Love Syndrome
- The booklet Path to Personal Freedom and Love
- The book You Can Change Your Life by Tim Laurence
- The book Journey Into Love by Kani Comstock & Marisa Thame
- The Hoffman Institute UK post-Process website