Fun, humour, playOverview

Making time in our lives for fun, play and humour re-energises us and connects us to our playful emotional self. Allowing ourselves some time just to play in the midst of our busy, responsible lives is important for balance and happiness.

This tool on the Process

Many Hoffman graduates say that play day (the Wednesday of the Process) was a big highlight for them, offering the invitation to drop into spontaneity, playfulness, innocence, joy and connection. Do you recall dancing, playing games and having fun on your Process play day? Do you remember your Magic Carpet ride, your meeting with the jolly man in red and choosing a gift to unwrap?

Using this tool Post-Process

Anything that refreshes us, brings us into the moment, helps us let off steam, or simply sparks our joy can be framed as a playful activity. Very often it’s the things that nurtured us as children – animals, nature, painting, drawing, singing, dancing, sports, music – that we are longing to return to as adults.

Make sure you put time aside every week for the serious business of having fun. A great tip is to regularly plan a date with yourself and put it in your diary. Switch off all technology and make this time a priority.

Allow yourself to become immersed in the experience. It may take a while for your Intellect to calm down and accept that your Emotional Child is in the driving seat, but notice how your Intellect calms down and your Emotional Child feels nourished after a play date with yourself.

We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing ~ George Bernard Shaw

Below are some ideas we’ve seen mentioned on our Hoffman graduate Facebook group. Feel free to email with any others you can think of!

  • Attend an improv class or a show at a comedy club
  • Spend time with children and let yourself be swept along with their play
  • Visit an outdoor treetop challenge
  • Spend a day being a tourist in the place where you live
  • Attend a daytime dance event
  • Go to a festival
  • Take yourself to see a children’s film
  • Take a trip on a bus or train, without knowing where its going
  • Invite friends round for a night of board games
  • Take yourself out into nature, swim in the sea or play in a park
  • Organise a game of rounders with friends
  • Make a painting, drawing or model

During your next Quad Check, tune in and ask your Emotional Self what will feed its sense of fun and playfulness. (Some of the answers might also double as Behavioral Stretches!)

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