Simon and Michelle Matthews are both accredited psychotherapists with their own longstanding, successful practices. They're also Hoffman graduates.

In an interview on our website here, they each share their views on the effects of the Process on family, relationships and parenting, as well as the ways in which the Process supports and differs from one-to-one therapy.

Michelle; 'I did the Process in 2008 soon after meeting Simon and it was great to be able to share a common language. Hoffman has been valuable for seeing when we’re both in childhood patterns and how to navigate this better. I feel lucky we both have the Hoffman community in our lives.'

To read the interview in full, click here
To find out more about Simon, click here and Michelle, here

'I started with some trepidation and a degree of cynicism. However after laughter, crying, giggling, connection and quality deep thought, I can see a real shift.'

The Hoffman Essentials is an online weekend workshop led by two members of the Hoffman team. It provides a practical introduction to Hoffman tools and techniques that you can take away and use from day one. Numbers are limited to 16 participants to provide a small and safe environment, and a follow-up Zoom call is included in the price.

All participants on The Hoffman Essentials will receive a £100 discount voucher towards a Hoffman Process booking, and access to a dedicated post-Essentials resource section of our website.

Upcoming dates - with EARLY BIRD rates
To see all upcoming dates and to book, click here
'The constant chatter of my inner critic has been well and truly silenced. It’s a revelation.'
~ Emma Newlands, writing about Hoffman Essentials in The Scotsman
Why keep negative tension trapped inside when you can harness the power of music and movement to let it all out? 

Join Supervising Hoffman Facilitator Emma Ferguson for an evening of sound, group energy and cathartic release. Allow yourself to be in the moment and fully let go in this interactive session, designed to release some of that pent-up tension in true Hoffman style. 

The evening will finish with a grounding meditation (and probably the best night's sleep you've had in ages...)

Times: 7.30pm - 9.00pm UK time
Platform: Zoom
Price: £10

For more info and to book, click here
Hoffman relationship workshop leaders Matthew and Emma Pruen have years of experience helping people to keep their love lights shining.

Updated for 2022, their workshop for couples - Making Relationships Work - is designed for anyone wanting to develop their ability to enjoy life in their current intimate relationship.You do not have to have done the Hoffman Process to attend this workshop.

The intention of the course is to get couples connected again; through clear communication, witnessing each other and rebuilding respect, trust and intimacy. It aims to support attendees in achieving real breakthrough.

❤️ Making Relationships Work ❤️
Dates: Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 March
Times: 09.15 -17.00 each day (non-residential)
Venue: St Luke's, Islington, London
Price: £600 per couple

For more info and to book, click here.
Watch a five-minute interview with Matthew and Emma here.
All are welcome to join our Introduction to Hoffman Zoom sessions, led by Hoffman Managing Director Serena Gordon (pictured) and members of the UK enrolment team.

These informal intros offer the chance to find out more about the Hoffman principles, the seven-day Hoffman Process, and the other courses that we offer. If you've got any questions about what happens on the Process, The Hoffman Essentials, or our other workshops, you can ask them in person or use Zoom's chat box to remain anonymous.

The calls are weekly, on either a Wednesday afternoon at 4.00pm, or Tuesday evening at 7.30pm (UK).

To register, simply email and we'll send you full instructions and the Zoom meeting ID.
Here if you want to talk things through
If you're interested in signing up to a Hoffman course or workshop but would just like a little more info, our friendly enrolment team is available on the phone or via email, and happy to answer any questions you might have.

If you're considering the Hoffman Process, we can offer you a one-to-one assessment call that gives you time to discuss what happens on the course in detail, and also to decide whether it's right for you. If you do then go on to register, you're already a step ahead! All calls are completely confidential, and you don't need to have registered for a course to book a free appointment.

Call us on 01903 88 99 90 or email and we'll take it from there.
Below, you'll find a list of Hoffman Process dates for Spring 2022. Courses at Florence House do fill up quickly, but Wait List places regularly become available too, especially for people who are able to attend at short notice.

If a residential course isn’t for you at this time or you'd like to try some Process tools and techniques before committing to a full week, our two-day online course, The Hoffman Essentials, may be of interest.

March 12-18: Wait List*
April 2-8: Wait List*
April 16-22: Wait List*
May 7-13: Wait List*
May 28-June 3: Wait List*
June 18-24: Available
July 2-8: Available
July 23-29: Available

Further 2022 dates with availablity can be found here.
Questions? You can call our office during UK office hours on +44(0)1903 88 99 90 or email
* At the time of writing! There is often movement, and even when a Process is on a Wait List, a place may still become available. Ring the office on +44(0)1903 88 99 90 or email to find out more.
Hoffman Magazine
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The Hoffman Book
You Can Change Your Life by Tim Laurence. Available on our website here
or as an audiobook here
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