Celebrating unique lives: by Nicola Dela-Croix
Feeling 'stuck', particularly in relation to work and career, is something that often leads people to the Process. For Nicola Dela-Croix , it was a key motivation;

'When I completed the Hoffman Process in 2008, I knew my inner world had dramatically shifted in the most positive way. I also understood how that shift would make a meaningful difference to my family and friends. What I didn’t appreciate at the time, however, was the positive impact my Hoffman experience would have – and would continue to have – on the families of more than 1,000 unique individuals that I’ve encountered in the years since then.'

After the Process, Nicola (who was previously a magazine editor) retrained as a Funeral Celebrant, and now creates tailor-made funerals that celebrate lives. She's also passionate about encouraging people to embrace their mortality at any stage in their lives, and she writes and gives talks that help people rethink their relationship with bereavement.

'We all bring something uniquely valuable to the world,' Nicola says, 'and that should be recognised and celebrated not only when our time comes, but also while we are still here.'

To read Nicola's Process story in full, and gain some life-affirming tips from her Manifesto For Life, click here
To learn more about Nicola's work, talks and books click here .
Do you have a Process Story you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you!
Either call the office on +44 (0)1903 88 99 90 or  email: info@hoffmaninstitute.co.uk
From Brighton to Beirut, Manchester to Malaysia - more than 112 intrepid Hoffman grads took part in for our first ever live video call on 'Happy Monday' (20 January).

The virtual meet-up was the brainchild of Hoffman UK's Graduate Relationship Manager Lucy, and was led by Hoffman MD Serena (pictured). Together we shared a visualisation, met a host of fluffy friends and managed to raise a several hundred pounds for the Hoffman Scholarship Fund at the same time. A huge thank you to all who took part. Thank you also to grad Bruce Crawford for inventing the word 'Honkference', which we'll be using shamelessly as our own invention from now on.

Bouyed by your wonderful collective energy, we've decided to trial a series of webinars via Zoom as the latest addition to our Post-Process support calendar. The first will be led by Serena on Wednesday 18 March and will be an examination of the Hoffman Toolkit , with the opportunity for a Q&A at the end. Keep an eye out for further themed calls throughout the year.

If you're not able to take part, remember you can always connect with other Hoffies on the Grad Connect page. Also come and attend a Closure , or pop along to a Welcome Home . Lucy also offers short catch-up calls if you want to reconnect to your Hoffman experience. Email graduates@hoffmaninstitute.co.uk .
Reflect, experience and learn more about mindfulness, meditation and sleep at the  Mindful Living Show  at the Business Design Centre in London (March 6-7).

Now in its fourth year, the event offers over 120 talks in four conference-style theatres, including the Mindful Living theatre, Health & Science theatre and Sleep theatre, while feature areas offer creative spaces for relaxation and meditation. If you're lucky, you might even spot a Hoffman grad or two among the line-up... New for 2020, this year's show will also feature a Friday night relaxation event, with the chance to experience hands-on techniques, including a sound healing and group meditation.

The organisers have kindly provided us with a discount offer, exclusively for Hoffman newsletter readers.

To book tickets at the reduced rates and find out more about the show,   click here .  (If you're asked for a discount code, it's  MINDP28 ) . For more about the show in general, visit:  www.mindfulllivingshow.com
Hoffman relationship workshops and retreats are
designed to be relevant either for individuals seeking a loving relationship or for couples already in a committed relationship and attending together.

They're led by Supervising Hoffman teacher Matthew Pruen and self-esteem mentor Emma Macpherson. Participants do not have to have completed the Hoffman Process in order to take part.

This month's workshop in London is currently on a wait list, but the following workshops still offer availability:
Dubai (March: couples, non-residential)
Beirut (April: individuals, non-residential)
London (May: individuals, non-residential)
France (July: couples, residential)

For full details of all courses or to book, click here
Q2 is the perfect space to reconnect with your Hoffman experience and work on any new issues that are coming up in your life today.You can choose to do the Q2 with partners, family, Hoffman buddies or friends as long as they are Hoffman graduates as well.

Upcoming dates:
Florence House, Sussex. Led by Tim Laurence. 3 spaces left

Broughton Hall, Yorkshire (pictured). Led by Tim Laurence

Florence House, Sussex

For more information and future dates, click here
The Graduate Connect page on our website is a list of regional Hoffman volunteers who have offered to be a contact/meeting co-ordinator for local events. 

Upcoming events over the next few weeks include a walk in the New Forest, a meetup in the Edinburgh café where the Harry Potter books were written (pictured) and gatherings in Manchester , Prague , Beirut , Dubai and Jersey .

Click here to visit the graduate connection page and find more details - you'll need the password: 'support.'  

As always, a huge thanks to all of our Grad Connect volunteers.
If you're interested in being a contact in your area, we'd be delighted to hear from you.  Click here  to email Lucy in the office.
Led by members of the Hoffman team, our evening support groups offer the chance to connect, share and deepen your Hoffman learning.

London s upport group
Date: Friday 7 February at Violet Hill Studios
Led by: Hoffman UK co-founder and MD, Serena Gordon
For more information and to book, click here

Sussex support group
Led by : Hoffman support group leader Nikki Wyatt
For more information and to book, click here

For future dates, click here
Closure evenings   are held on Process Thursdays from 5pm.
Revisit the ceremony of integration, celebrate with new grads, share your Post-Process experience and recommit to your Hoffman vow. Dinner (including the pavlova of love!) is on us. 

Florence House (East Sussex)
6 February with Janet, Eliza and Emma
20 February with Jeremy, Emma and Mairi
12 March with Matthew, Janet and Mairi
26 March with Emma, Jeremy and Eliza
9 April with Tim, Stella and Holger

Click here   for a full list of future dates. There's no charge for Closure, but please do  email and let us know if you're planning to come - or call the office on 01903 88 99 90.

'Attending Closure is my favourite post-Process activity. I reconnect with my own Process in ever different ways, and at the same time, am able to take great pleasure in knowing that my experience and even my presence plays some small part in the never-to-be-forgotten memories of the new graduates.'
* When a Process is on a Wait List, a place may still become available.
Information Evening:

Information Phone-In:

Introduction Day:

Process Dates:
February 1-7: Wait List *
February 15-21: Wait List *
March 7-13: Wait List *
March 21-27: Wait List *
April 4-10: Available
April 11-17: Available
May 9-15: Available

The rest of 2020's Process dates can be found here .
February's top tip: say it with flowers
You don't need Valentine's Day as an excuse, or somebody else to buy them for you. This month, surround yourself with flowers, and let them remind you how special you are.

If bouquets are your thing, treat yourself to a big one - the kind that you'd usually only consider buying for somebody else - and take the time to really notice each individual bloom. If that's not practical, or you don't like cut stems, then find some flowers growing in nature and spend time admiring their beauty instead.

You could also draw or paint yourself a bunch, using all of your favourite colours, and hang your creation where it will brighten your day. Reward yourself - you're worth it!

Hoffman Magazine
 Request a copy for yourself or to pass on to friends and family here
The Post-Process Website
Events, Downloads and a Hoffman Toolkit
Click here to visit
  The Hoffman Post-Process Journal
365 days of the year with Hoffman tools. 
Find out more and order here
Make a Donation
Help someone to do the Process by donating to our Scholarship Fund.
The Hoffman App
Tips, tools and connection in your pocket...
Click here to find out more
Social Media
or follow Hoffman UK on Twitter and Instagram