Hoffman graduate e-newsletter | June 2019
You don't need to have attended boarding school yourself to have encountered the effects of Boarding School Syndrome. Many ex-boarders report that their relationships with partners, children and even work colleagues are affected way into adulthood by the experiences they had at school, and the continued impact on adult relationships is a common reason why many people choose to come to Hoffman.

Hoffman UK enrolment supervisor Zoe Flint is an ex-boarder. In an article on our website , Zoe describes how the Process helped her understand and challenge the 'strategic survival' of her childhood experience;

'At boarding school I was told I was complacent and cavalier, and once that I had a hole in my head where my brain should be – quite a statement! On the Process I really knew that I was fundamentally OK, and this is the assumption under which I now operate. It feels different and wonderful. I am now better able to focus on the positives... I am a work in progress, still disassembling some habits and attitudes that have given me the illusion of safety for decades, but taking more and more time just to do nothing, feel how I feel, and know that it is OK...'

To read Zoe's full article on our website, click here .
Do you have a Process Story you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you!
Either call the office on +44 (0)1903 88 99 90 or  email: info@hoffmaninstitute.co.uk
Hoffman  relationship workshops and retreats are held in London and France, and led by Matthew and Emma Pruen. The Pruens' combined experience of delivering personal development work includes over 20 years of Hoffman Process facilitation and relationship coaching (Matthew) and self-esteem coaching and shamanic work (Emma), as well as establishing their gorgeous wellbeing venue in France,  The French Retreat .

There are two courses on offer, Making Relationships Work for couples who are currently in a committed relationship, and Finding Love for those who aren't, but would like to be.

Each can be attended as a non-residential workshop over two days in London, or in retreat format in France, allowing for additional integration (and relaxation) time in sumptuous surroundings.

You do not have to have done the Hoffman Process to attend these workshops. What's more, we're offering an Early Bird discount of £50 per person on bookings for July, August and November made before 15 June.

Upcoming dates:
June :  2-day workshop in London for couples  (Last few places)
July:  3-day retreat in France for individuals 
August: 2-day retreat in France for couples
November:   2-day workshop in London for individuals

For more information about any of these events,  click here.
It's the time of year when we start planning the features for our annual Hoffman magazine . In 2019, we'll be celebrating 25 years of Hoffman in the UK, so it's going to be a bumper issue - and we'd love your help.

We know from feedback that reading the real-life stories of people who've done the Process is hugely valuable to those who are still considering it, particularly if a specific issue, situation or experience resonates with them. We're also keen to reflect the huge spectrum of ages, backgrounds and professions that come to the Process every year by featuring a wide range of your stories and circumstances.

So if you've got a story you'd like to share about changes in your life since you did the Process, why not get in touch? Yours might be the interview that finally convinces somebody it's time to take that first step...

Our features editor Nikki Wyatt can be reached by email here: nikki@hoffmaninstitute.co.uk
If you're recommending the Process to friends and family in Scotland or the north of England, to those flying in from overseas, or to anyone for whom a single room's essential, it might be worth knowing about our next Broughton Hall Process which will run from 7-13 September .

The historic stately home at Broughton is already recognised as one of the most exquisite event venues in the UK, and now the reputation of its glorious wellbeing centre  Avalon  as a sanctuary for self-development work is escalating too. We're truly delighted to be able to use it exclusively for the Process while offering single, twin and en-suite accommodation in the Hall itself . Imagine doing the bashing surrounded by those views, and then tucking yourself up for the night in an antique four-poster bed.

'My vision is for everything we have on the Broughton Estate to be a destination for well-being and retreats, a hub for transformation - a sanctuary,' says owner and Hoffman grad Roger Tempest.

It's also possible to attend Broughton Hall as a Process second-timer. So if you'd like to revisit your Hoffman work but not necessarily your previous Process venue, this could be a golden opportunity.

For more details of what Broughton Hall and Avalon have to offer as a Process venue, click here .
Feeling a little flat? In need of a power-up? Reconnection days are a chance to boost your Hoffman battery by plugging back into the invigorating group energy you experienced on your Process.
They're also a chance to refine your knowledge of the Hoffman tools and how to apply them to issues in your life that have arisen for you since you did the course. If you’re facing a crossroads at work, in a relationship, or with health, stress or self-esteem, come along and reconnect!

Venue: Guild of Psychotherapists , London, SE1 0QA
Led by: Supervising Hoffman facilitator Emma Ferguson
For more information and to book, click here

Venue: Gorse Hill, County Wicklow, Ireland
Led by: Supervising Hoffman facilitator Jeremy Kynaston
For more information and to book, click here
Led by members of the Hoffman team, our evening support groups offer the chance to connect, share and deepen your Hoffman learning. In the company of other grads from your area, we'll run through a Quad Check and try out a few practical exercises - some you might recognise from your Process and some you may not. Bring your Spiritual Self and an open mind...

London support group
Led by: Hoffman co-founder and MD, Serena Gordon
For more information and to book,  click here

Hoffman-led Bristol s upport group
Led by: Supervising Hoffman facilitator, Eliza Meredith
For more information and to book, click here
Next Bristol date: Wednesday 16 October

Hoffman-led Sussex s upport group
Led by: Hoffman co-founder and MD, Serena Gordon
For more information and to book,  click here
The Graduate Connect page on our website is a list of regional Hoffman volunteers who have offered to be a contact/meeting co-ordinator for Hoffies in their local area.

Unlike our Hoffman-led support groups (above), grad connect meeting-ups are mainly social. They might involve a coffee or meal, a walk or an outing. Social meetups currently on the radar include:

8 June: a scenic walk with pub pitstop in Henley-on-Thames
9 June: a lunch/picnic in Norfolk (to be held in Grania and Niall's gorgeous garden, pictured)
10 July: a meeting a Brown's restaurant in Birmingham
20 July: a social meet-up in Qatar

Click here to visit the graduate connection page and find more details and - you'll need the password: 'support.'
Thanks to all of our Grad Connect volunteers. If you're interested in being a contact in your area, we'd be delighted to hear from you. Click here to email Lucy in the office.
Closure evenings  are held on Process Thursdays from 5pm. They're open to all Hoffman graduates, regardless of where and when you did your Process - w e also love to see Process groups returning on their anniversary.

Re-experience the ceremony of integration, celebrate with new grads, share your Post-Process experience and recommit to your Hoffman vow. Dinner is on us. 

Florence House (East Sussex)
13 June with Matthew, Mairi and Emma
27 June with Jeremy, Janet and Julia
11 July with Tim, Janet and Devi
25 July with Emma, Jeremy and Mairi
8 August with Tim, Eliza and Mairi

Click here   for a full list of Closure dates. There's no charge for Closure, but please do  email and let us know or call the office if you're planning to come on 01903 88 99 90.
* When a Process is on a Wait List, a place may still become available.
Ring the office on 01903 88 99 90 for details.
Information Evenings:

Information Phone-In:

Introduction Day:

Process Dates:
June 8-14: Wait List
June 22-28: Wait List
July 6-12: Available
July 20-26: Available
August 3-9: Available
August 24-30: Available

For a full calendar of Hoffman Process dates, click here.
June's top tip: Live life with passion
Passion is an overused word - but what do you feel truly passionate about? Have your passions changed over the years?

Today, remember a time of passion and savour the memory. Let yourself re-live the intensity of this super-strong emotion. We talk about having 'fire in the belly', but where do you feel it in your body?

If you don't see yourself as a particularly passionate person, check back and ask yourself: Is it me? When did my passion get closed off or turned down and why?

Hoffman Magazine
 Request a copy for yourself or to pass on to friends and family here
The Post-Process Website
Events, Downloads and a Hoffman Toolkit
Click here to visit
  The Hoffman Post-Process Journal
365 days of the year with Hoffman tools. 
Find out more and order here
Make a Donation
Help someone to do the Process by donating to our Scholarship Fund.
The Hoffman App
Tips, tools and connection in your pocket...
Click here to find out more
Social Media
or follow Hoffman UK on Twitter and Instagram