Left Road, Right RoadWe introduced this on the Saturday morning of the Essentials course, and referred to it a number of times over the weekend.


We all make many choices every day. Some seem like small choices (‘shall I have a second cup of coffee?’) and some are a lot bigger (‘should I apply for that promotion?’) What choices of all sizes have in common is that each is made at a mini T-junction, with the potential to either stick to what we know/always do, or to decide to go in a new and different direction. When we talk about taking the Left or the Right Road, we’re referring to being aware and actively making a choice.

  • The Left Road is the familiar road of living out the patterns you learned in childhood. This road takes you back to your past again and again. On this road, the patterns are the author of your life – influencing what happens to you, how you handle change and how you face any obstacles.
  • The Right Road is a new road; one you explored during the Essentials weekend. The Right Road is the road of authenticity, where you live from your essence, your Spiritual Self, instead of from your patterns. This road is one of choice and self-responsibility. You, and not your programmed patterns, are leading how you live your life.

Life will keep happening, with birth, death, surprises, loss, and joy. We cannot change this. But we can change how we meet life, how we handle the events and situations that come our way by consciously choosing the Right Road.

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