Your Sanctuary is an inner place in your mind for relaxation and creativity. You can picture it as you wish, and you are not in any way bound to the one you created during the Process.  Imagine yourself in a beautiful, natural environment in which you feel totally comfortable.

You can invite others to your Sanctuary, only if you wish.  Visualise a loving and positive meeting of Spiritual Selves, where all are free of patterns that may influence you. Let your imagination soar.

Keep returning to your Tree of Life and see it blossom and grow. Put your arms around your tree and gain strength from it.  You can also visualise bathing in your River of Life, allowing the waters to cleanse and purify you.

You can listen here to a visualisation by Tim Laurence to take you into your sanctuary and your river of life.

Use short moments of relaxation during the day, to connect with peaceful and tranquil feelings.

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